Thursday, March 20, 2008

Community Garden by Centenary, designed by Jon Soul

I posted this on the community garden blog as well, but this is Jon Soul's design. To be (or not to be?) located by Centenary Square, next to the "Green Space" also designed and built by Jon. Just FYI, and to inspire us all to think big.

(Note the open air pavilion, with a grassy area in front of it. Not only is it a nice setting for community garden meetings, how-to demonstrations, lunch breaks, even bands playing for picnickers, but the rain water collected off the roof will provide the low-acid water that the plants love.)

[Click on the drawing to get a bigger version.]


Jon Schleuss said...

This is pretty much awesome. I saw these plans at Shreveport Green about month ago. I especially dig the "Kung Fu Studio"

Robert E Trudeau said...

The Kung Fu Studio has been there for decades, I think. It's owned and operated by a soulful and utopian-minded family, Glen Guerin and Sheila Tood and their really nice son and daughter. When my son was a student there I sometimes did yoga behind the shop and enjoyed the careless, junk-ridden mess under the parking area. Jon's plan is going to be a dynamite alternative to the old
neighborhood mess.

The blueberry bushes and bee houses, among many things, look delightful.

Robert E Trudeau said...

Sorry for the typo; it's Sheila Todd.