Monday, March 29, 2010

Coates Bluff Trail Now Cleaner and Well-Celebrated!

Thanks to all who helped clean and celebrate the Coates Bluff Trail this past Saturday!

About 40 people contributed to the effort, some on the Valencia Park Side, others on the Montessori end, to pick up trash that had long sat along the beautiful forested area between Magnet and Montessori.

The trail is now clearer and cleaner than it's ever been! (Check out that newly mulched path navigating a soggy section!)

BTW, the nature loop is a "must see". It starts at Montessori. Signs are posted to designate natural features such as native plant species and wildlife signs. Get out and walk it!

Thanks again to all who pitched in!

TO COME: SIGNAGE! (Thanks to John Davenport, Jon Soul, and Bill Day!)
NEXT MEETING: Monday April 5th for Friends of Shreveport Greenways!

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