ABetterShreveport’s mission is to increase the quality of life in our city by promoting the best practices that been evidenced in other cities and through research. One characteristic of cities where residents tend to report high levels of satisfaction with their quality of life is a densely populated downtown where people live, work, shop, and recreate. In many ABS discussions people have noted they would live in Shreveport’s downtown if there were certain additional amenities there, such as a grocery store, a large bookstore, other substantial retail outlets, greenspace useable for recreation, and more housing options. Monday’s meeting concerned two different types of developments that could produce such amenities.
Minutes by Loren Demerath.
In attendance: Loren Demerath, Steph Pedro, Carolyn Manning, Randy Ross, Robert Trudeau, Wendy Benscoter, Pam Atchison, Liz Swaine, David Nelson, April Dahm, Jennette Ginsburg, Cynthia Keith, Brian Salvatore, David Young, Jack Waterman, Maurice Loridans, Roger Barnes, Susan Keith
New people were chatted with before the meeting started. Loren talked with Roger Barnes, a civil engineer in town who says he has been reading the ABS blog for some time (which was gratifying to hear) was glad to be able to make it to his first meeting.
Carolyn and Loren also met Randy Ross for whom it was also his first meeting. Randy sells rare books and has moved here from Austin to be near family. And, yes, he likes Shreveport. He and Loren and Carolyn all noted the “Shreveportitis” of negativity some folks seem to have. A hobby of Randy’s is studying the local history of modern architecture in the city, and Carolyn and Loren persuaded him to be a guest some time soon on “Time for ABetterShreveport” (Monday’s at 5 on KSCL 91.3) to talk about it.
To begin the meeting people introduced themselves and described the stake they have in downtown, the role they see themselves as possibly having in improving it, and their whine about something with which they’re dissatisfied.
Loren Demerath: resident, lack of family recreation opportunities, wants to help shape it
Steph Pedro: an urban planner, only whine that its not happening fast enough.
Carolyn Manning: lives downtown and can walk safely at night, not enough opportunities to live and shop downtown, wants to help make us more of a boutique city
Randy Ross: listener and observer for the evening
Robert Trudeau: wants to see change; a bike rider for transportation and city blogger, want to move things forward
Wendy Benscoter: long time passion for the city, has adult children; working with SRAC on development grants and is at the meeting to do due diligence and to listen to everyone; noted that people should let it happen
Pam Atchison: as SRAC Director is behind the “Central Art Station” that will become of the old Central Fire Station on Common St., culture is critical to a city’s economy but noted it is often the last thing funded and first thing cut, wants to be a match-maker over Shreveport Common.
Liz Swaine: prior to being the DDA Director was often downtown and long wondered why it wasn’t better; noted many things are outside of our control
Dave Nelson: works and lives downtown and a property owner, not enough people downtown, can develop some places for people to live and help increase programming for downtown.
April Dahm: fell in love with downtown since moving here 7 years ago; role was first through ABS Downtown, then through co-founder of TACA to revitalize the Texas Ave. area; Texas Ave and Street are different.
Jennette Ginsberg: grew up in Shreveport, dad owned pawn shop on Texas St. and remembers having to close it and the sadness of that area not working; satisfying to work on improving the area; for downtown would like to see more bike lanes and racks and a grocery store; will be working downtown at Sciport this summer.
Cynthia Keith: taught 4th grade for many years and long dreamed of working downtown and now does at the courthouse and imagines the buildings outside when they were inhabited and full; wants to breath life into them again; hard task with asbestus and damage done to structures; trying to start dog park
Brian Salvatore: chemistry prof at LSUS, been here for 8 years; has faith in the city and sees smart people everywhere but notes we’re not all alligned; the people in their 70’s and 80’s have wisdom to give; wants to try to get to know more people and bring people together
David Young: lived here for all his life and notes its not the same Shreveport; we’ve been good at planning but not implementing; says: I’m in; invested with family and work and is engaged; many friends have moved away; noted that the community looks different from this group
Jack Waterman: from Shreveport, now a Tulane architecture student; downtown hasn’t reached its potential; can bring New Orleans labelling ideas to here
Maurice Loridans: attorney and downtown worker; swore off cars since Katrina; has lived in New Orleans and Mexico and knows there’s a viable lifestyle w/out cars; builds and loans bikes to anyone who’ll use them; a statewide advocate on bike issues
Roger Barnes: engineer working in Shreveport for many years, sees potential for revitalization, can help with reuse and sustainability
Susan Keith: retiring teacher at Magnet this year, has been working for the Coates Bluff group, nothing to whine about!
Liz Swaine reported on recent development about downtown news. Some of the old buildings have recently sold. The hardware building is in the process of being developed into loft style apartments by Provident Reality, a company that knows how to do that kind of thing. However, If the historic tax credit (1960 or older) dies this year they will walk away from it and it won’t get done. Potentially these buildings often have many issues, and deep pockets are necessary to address them. Owning an old building sounds great but not everyone can and should do it. January 2012 would be its opening, fingers crossed. Bill Pogue is going through the process of developing the “Lake Street Dance Hall” after some holdups with permits. Hopes to open a restaurant and jazz club. (ABS heard Pogue speak at a meeting earlier this year and subsequently wrote a letter of support for his kind of building in downtown where mixed-use is important.) The Allen Building has been bought to be the headquarters of Southern Nursing. The Sears Building and the Beard Buildings (one with the roof caved in) have also been bought; hopefully we’ll see a grocery store in one of the buildings; there are plans to build 60 loft style apartments as well.
At the mention of the possibility of a grocery store, Loren noted that whenever Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods are mentioned are mentioned in ABS discussions there is loud and enthusiastic hopes expressed that something like that will come to town. Wendy said other communities have worked to get a local business be successful in that niche, and the bigger franchise eventually comes in and buys them out. Loren recalled an ABS meeting some years ago with Gregory Kallenberg, who’s worked in developing real estate for Whole Foods, and Stanton Dossett, who’s done similar work, and remembers him Gregory saying that Whole Foods would never come here because we don’t have the demographic profile they look for (Loren can’t remember the details). Liz has also heard they’ll never come here from others but she has seen the population minimums and sales tax numbers they supposedly need and yet they’ve just moved in to Lafayette. She’s Arlena Acree that she needs to call them again to make our case again more strongly.
Liz also noted other downtown development news: the new performance center at Methodist Church; the Jodi Wagner Center planned for Louisiana College, and they could add other schools related to movies or medicine; over by Crockett there are other properties being bought; the Red River District was held up a bit with El Dorado’s negotiations. Overall, Liz noted more activity than she’s ever seen downtown.
Carolyn mentioned another building on Texas St. that’s going to be a spa and amother things; it’s the old Jordan and Booth building.
Jack Waterman commented it was great that we were getting this news here, but asked if there was a web site people could go to generally to see properties and ownership. Liz said they are working on their web site and it will be done soon.
Pam Atchison described the history and background of SRAC’s work trying to develop the area around the Central Fire Station. Pam described how their headquarters burned down due to arson and that has led to plans for their new headquarters to be located in a renovated Central Fire Station, and for a green space and transit hub to be located behind the new headquarters. One of the goals is to develop that area and offer market value housing.
One of the concerns of ABetterShreveport has been that the plan serve community needs and that the community be able to shape the plan. Pam noted that there is a Shreveport Common facebook page that allows for feedback and comments. Steph, April, David and Liz are all on the advisory committee.
Pam reviewed the history of the development of the grant and the redevelopment of the Arts Council. The Mayor wanted to take advantage of the situation and develop the cultural economy. The four conditions of designing the new headquarters is that its development must serve artists using no extra city funds, it must develop the area around the Texas Ave., Common St. and Cotton St. triangle (known in the tentative plan as Shreveport Common), must have a gateway, and must jumpstart cultural economy.
Pam passed out a photograph with a red line demarcating a nine block rectangle, the larger area they hope to shape into an arts district.
Pam described receiving the $100,000 grant for a vision plan. It is to be finished on June 1; presented to council June 14, June 17 is tax credit workshop, and the vision is presented to the public June 18 from 9 to 2. On the 18th people will be able to walk through a hypothetical Common. Artists will develop installations to show how the implementation will look. From June 18 to July 15 the public will respond. The design team will have two weeks to respond to it.
Pam noted that SRAC has received large grants from the NEA and has received an award from the APA and on that heritage has developed this project. They’ve knocked on over 60 doors and held listening sessions. Loren pointed out that a lot of supposed citizen participation in planning does not result in citizens actually shaping the project. (For those interested, the classic study is by Arnstein, and the cite is as follows: Arnstein, Sherry R. "A Ladder of Citizen Participation," JAIP, Vol. 35, No. 4, July 1969, pp. 216-224.) Loren noted that just because there are listening sessions being held doesn’t mean that information collected is going to be used. Liz asked if Loren as “accusing” SRAC of not listening, but Loren said we don’t know if it will be used or not. (In subsequent conversations with Liz and Wendy, Loren said what he was getting at was how it’s less likely that listening sessions will be useful if there is no experienced urban planner facilitating them and guiding the process, even despite the best of intentions.) Pam noted that there were two urban planners that would be conducting a planning audit after the process is finished. Loren said he thought such an audit could not used for the planning process itself; that it would happen after the listening sessions have occurred and the plan had been created.
Carolyn asked if we’re building an additional homeless shelter by building a large bus shelter where there are not a lot of people now. She noted that as a downtown resident she’s seen the possibility of that.
Pam noted that It is not seen as a building; but it is a permanent structure, like the tent-like structure Sportran has at its main terminal; Will Loe said they can be expensive because of their materials even though it is an open structure. Pam noted that it hasn’t been designed yet, but its intent is to protect the people using it. Maurice pointed out that as a cyclist who uses the route every day it’s a “squeeze point” that might make it worse. Pam said it might allow people to park and ride. Pam also noted that the energy of it, though, maybe should go more towards Elvis Presley Blvd.
Susan asked about plans in the Blue Goose Area and Pam said they’ve met with Askari Hinton and Allan Dyson, his architect. The feeling is to get this area developed first and then maybe build a bridge over the railroad to that area.
Jennette asked about the anticipated time line for construction. Also, is there a regional or national call out for artists and is there a chance that local professionals to participate that otherwise might get left out of employment opportunities. Pam said the time line is dependent on getting the NEA Design Grant. If it goes through the Common Link can be built straight from the design that would be designed by June 30 2012. There would be two local artists in addition to any other artists. Two positions local at 10,000 each; 10 artists at 1,000 each to design bike racks. Sportran does have money to build bus stops, but a grant needs to written to get it.
Pam noted that this plan should launch a way to have better bus stops by researching the best practices.
Pam noted that JMC Art Partners are planners on the grant; they’ll be planning the symposium and are the number one recommended transportation planners. This will allow a well-planned shelter that will provide a model for shelters elsewhere in the city.
Steph asked us to imagine the link being there and us using it. Would we ride a bike or drive to the common link and then use it? Most of the people in this group don’t live in west Shreveport but those are the only places that the routes go to from the common link. It’s not needed now but would in the future with higher density. Liz said that day is very close. Maurice said he’s seen many people move to outskirts for work because of parking. What we could use is a free shuttle that circulates downtown; Denver has one. Steph noted it’s good have these conversation about what it would take for a person to use the bus or live downtown, and that it’s especially good to have them in public meetings like this.
Pam noted that planners for the common (vs. the common link); may say these things don’t work; in her discussions with Gene Eddy rerouting is possible. It was noted though that ABS has tried to get rerouting and hasn’t been successful.
The meeting ended at 7:40, the end having been extended during the meeting to fit in time for discussion.
Next week’s meeting will again be at Centenary’s Hurley Music School, room 201 from 6 to 7. The topics will be the Kings Highway & Youree Drive intersection redesign and renovation, the work towards a Woodlawn pedestrian bridge over Pierre Bayou, and Jennette’s survey results for building the capacity of ABS.
A non-profit organization of citizens working to improve the quality of life in Shreveport. Join us!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Downtown Developments and Planning Process for a "Shreveport Common" discussed with DDA and SRAC Directors at Last Meeting
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Highland Restoration Association Seeks Highland Artists
The Highland Restoration Association is assisting the Highland Cultural District to compile a list of artists and artisans who live within the following boundaries: Southern Avenue to Youree Drive, Kings Highway to Snow Street and its “intersection” with Market Street downtown. The definition of art includes but is not limited to: drawing, painting, sculpture, clay, ceramics, fiber, glass, leather, metal, paper, wood or mixed media; and limited numbered editions (up to 100) of lithographs, photography, etchings, graphics designs video production, wearable art, light sculpture.
Please send name, address and media to highland_restoration@hotmail.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Site change for A Better Shreveport meetings for 2 weeks
"Cohabitat is being used for another function this Monday, but for the next two Mondays we'll meet at Centenary College's Hurley Music School's room 201. This Monday the topic will be SRAC's Shreveport Common Transit Hub proposal," says Loren Demerath.
"The following Monday we'll also meet there since the topic will be organizing the Coates Bluff nature trail establishment and access. Centenary has a particular interest in advancing the Coates Bluff discussions and has agreed to host such meetings. After the 30th, though, ABS will be back to meeting at Cohabitat.
Sorry about the change this week folks, but it was out of our hands."
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Capacity Building, and Upcoming Meetings on Shreveport Common and Coates Bluff Discussed at Last Meeting
In attendance: Loren Demerath, Murray Lloyd, Maurice Loridans, Brian Salvatore, David Young, Stephanie Pedro, Jennette Ginsberg, Cynthia Keith, Garrett Johnson, Feico Kempff, Jack Waterman
ABS' summer agenda was the theme of the meeting.
The group first discussed the theme of the next meeting that will center on downtown. Carolyn Manning will update the group on property ownership changes she as learned of from Liz Swaine. The bulk of the meeting will likely focus on the Shreveport Common proposal being developed through a grant being administered by SRAC. It was noted that while some people may not be happy with the lack of urban planning involved, or with some of the details of the proposal, ABS should contribute as mush as it can to the planning process, and is obligated to speak up if it sees problems. It was noted that project may be able to be shaped such it can improve public transit for the city generally, and such that it can help in the redevelopment of the historic Texas Avenue area. It is a design competition for one a bus shelter, maybe it could be distributed across different shelters, or other routes. The proposal talks about artist-architect design teams and having someone vet the designs. Lots have been bought in that area and they are going to be redeveloped. It may not bring revenue but it may. Encompassing that same area but also addressing the larger Ledbetter and Allendale neighborhoods is a larger parallel planning effort that is looking at economic impact and involves bigger dollars from HUD.
The continuation of community planning for the preservation of, and improved access to the Coates Bluff Nature Trail was discussed.
On a practical issue, Maurice mentioned needing a truck to haul supplies he will be using to construct his “stairway to Stoner” path. Several people volunteered trucks.
Jon Soul has said the trail is not ready for prime time because some of the trail sections are incomplete, there's a section where the trash enters, the poison ivy needs to be controlled, and we need a chain saw to finish cutting some things.
Kim noted there were a number of working groups that came out of that big public meeting at Centenary last month. We need to bring each group to the table to convene them. One action item that has had an outcome was the education group meeting, and we need to hear from them. That's one out of 5 or 6 groups, a number of which are critical, such as the group focusing on governance and property ownership.
It was said it should be o.k. to send out the whole .pdf with the contact information and phone numbers included; permission to circulate that information is presumed to be given when one signs the sheet.
It was decided that we would pick the Monday of the 30th to discuss the convening and organization of all the teams. Loren won't be there, or at the next five meetings, but Steph Pedro will take over the duties of convening ABS meetings during that time. Loren has talked with Jon who will be able to be at that meeting on the 30th as well. The focus of the meeting will be organizational; establishing a decision-making group that takes charge between meetings. It will be within the context of a regular ABS meeting, but all those who attended the community meeting at Centenary last month will be invited.
The invitation to the community members can be made via a google group structure where we can post documents and have discussions. That first invitation to the next meeting on the 30th should trigger some information flow and communication so by the time of the meeting we'll have additional things to talk about.
Kim noted that it would be good if each working group created a document that could be that group's strategic plan. What we're trying to do is convert discussion into action.
Jennette talked about her project of building the capacity of ABS that count for credit as part of her masters degree in non-profit administration. Jennette and Loren met earlier in the day with Jennette's supervising professor, Helen Wise, a sociologist at LSUS. Jennette noted that the organization has outgrown its initial structure; it can be hard to follow the email conversations on a specific topic, for example, scrolling through the messages. She'll be administering a survey to assess what the group needs and what initial levels of satisfaction are with various aspects of the website and organization. Among the results of the project can be posting on the website templates for processes of community organization and means of making productive social connections.
Among the challenges are to discover what people are comfortable with in terms of the information they provide to facilitate connections and ways not to do it; the survey may get at what kinds of information people are comfortable with; for example, it may be that email is o.k., but phone numbers are not.
Another issue that can be taken up is how to make the group more diverse. The community gardeners have members all over town. The issues of concern can also be different, though. Education and jobs are often the more salient issues in lower income areas.
A dog park update will be coming. Unfortunately the land that SPAR has drawn up to be included as a dog park is now underwater, which suggests it may not be an optimal site. The pond, though, needn't be included, and is now; that could be changed. Jeff Everson is supposed to call a meeting. There are still parts of land in that general area that are not underwater, but they weren't drawn to be part of the dog park.
An update from the Better Bus Stops Coalition (of which ABS is a part) and a strategic discussion for how our bus system can be improved is scheduled for mid-June or July. It would be most appropriate at that time to discuss the need for shade; waiting for the bus in mid summer makes the issue salient.
Jennette said a visibility campaign might be valuable. We could bring more awareness to the issue through some lighthearted events, like holding umbrellas for people waiting, or passing out lemonade to people waiting. Carolyn's daughter takes the bus daily but a common complaint is that there are no schedules on the bus stops; you can only get them online. We could laminate schedules and tie them with twisties on the poles.
It was noted that cyclists are using buses as their emergency breakdown option; it's now known, that you just carry bus fare with you and you'll be able to get home with your bike on the bus.
Feico said Jeff Everson has mentioned that large employers (Caddo Parish, etc.) could give an annual bus pass as part of their compensation package; or it could be offered at a reduced rate. Students now can get a student rate which is half-price.
Next week's meeting will feature a discussion of the Shreveport Common proposal SRAC has developed, along with other downtown issues.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Non-Profit Status, Dues, Capacity Buiding, Food Coops All Discussed at Last Meeting
The group discussed the conflict of interest policy that we need to vote on for the non-profit conflict of interest policy. The group decided that the sample policy provided by the IRS would be sufficient and voted to unanimously adopt it.
Loren reported that Dr. Barbara Davis has been of great help to him in completing the paper work for filing for non-profit status for ABS. He is now ready to send it in with an accompanying check for $300. It was noted that Loren should send an email to ask people to submit their dues if they haven’t yet, and he said he would. ($40 for board members and $30 for regular members.) Maurice then paid his in cash to Garrett to give to Susan Fontaine, the Chief Administrative Officer.
The group looked over Jennette Ginsberg’s proposal for building the capapcity of ABS and agreed that it looks good. The group agreed to discuss more specific suggestions next week when Jennette will be able to attend as well.
Maurice mentioned that a food coop will have its truck drop-off out on Pines Rd., which is notably too far out for those trying to avoid driving. Mary Nesbit (Rebecca Prosino’s mother) runs a CSA project in Keatchie. They’re looking at expanding it and selling memberships and some people can pay in labor. The World Wide Organization of Organic Farmers (“WOOF”) has a program where people can work for room and board at organic farmers. It was noted that on Prairie Home Companion Keillor mentioned there are over 800 community gardens in Detroit, a city with similar proportions of adjudicated properties.
The group discussed how the Farmer’s Market is every day in Monroe, and there may how smaller, more organic spaces than Festival Plaza to facilitate that, such as the space used for Makers’ Fair at Common and Texas Ave.
It was suggested that we have a discussion about Shreveport Common in two weeks on May 23rd, and invite Pam Atchison and any other people who would like to attend.
It was agreed that next week that group would discuss Ginsburg’s capacity building ideas, get an update on Coates Bluff, and work on scheduling summer meeting themes.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Tina Kendrick, April Dahm, Theresa Edgerton, Robert Trudeau, Loren Demerath: A Better Shreveport on KSCL

Tina Kendrick, April Dahm, Theresa Edgerton, Robert Trudeau, Loren Demerath: A Better Shreveport on KSCL, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.
Tina Kendrick and Theresa Edgerton were the chief planners of the recent Highland Experience. April Dahm produced the Texas Ave Maker's Fair.
The organizers recently discussed the ins and outs of their fests on the A Better Shreveport on-air chat on KSCL.
Tune in to 91.3 fm on Mons at 5 pm.
Listen also by streaming the show on your computer. Go to kscl.fm and press the button entitled Listen Live.
Shreveport Common Planning & Multiculturalism Discussed at Last Meeting
In attendance: Maurice Loridans, April Dahm, David Nelson, Cynthia Keith, Loren Demerath, Feico Kempff, Carolyn Manning.
Loren expressed his disappointment at hearing the message of the opening drum group (not from the Aseana Foundation) that implied all non-Christians are not going to heaven. Loren felt it was inappropriate at multicultural festival. Maurice noted that many of the Asians there were Filipino, most of whom are Catholic, and that free speech protects what they said. A prayer over the loudspeaker is not protected, but “follow my God” is. Loren agreed that we don't have “anti-judgemental” speech laws, but said we do have increasingly tolerant culture that values diversity. It was noted that it was otherwise a wonderful festival, though, and the Maker's Fair was equally as succesful. Adding ArtBreak at the convention Center and it was a great day to be downtown.
Feico distributed a notice of a press release of March 18th announcing HUD's awarding of a planning grant to create a transformation plan for Allendale and Ledbetter Heights part of a neighborhood revitalization initiative. The plan should facilitate economic development and improve quality of life, connecting service providers and schools and lead to a more mixed income, sustainable neighborhood. The first paragraph lists all the partners, though it was noted they haven't begun talking yet.
April described the meeting that she had just had with Mayor Glover with Kim Mitchell and Pastor Webster West from Antioch Baptist Church, Curtis West Junior, and Murphey Cheatem about the West Edge Ledbetter Heights Initiative Opportunity Study. Mayor Glover said he is committed to coaching the different partners as a team to having clear communication about how developments are going to affect the rest of the downtown community including about what the Shreveport Common can be. Feico said he's conflicted about what the money will do; April would like to know how the money is being spent. David said we probably shouldn't detail the number too much. 5.2 million in private funds have been raised for renovating the fire station, including insurance money. It was noted that Shreveport Common is within the Ledbetter-Allendale neighborhood area.
One person said the planning process has not created confidence. The meetings they've had are where there are presentations. They've included breakdown sessions, “listening sessions,” and all the meetings have led to the beginning of parts of a scheme but no overview of one.
There was concern over targeting spaces that are occupied. The need for the green space was also unclear; if it is needed they would like to be shown how and why that is. They haven't seen examples of the planners' work, so its hard to buy into what's happened.
It was noted that we need to have a meeting with SHRAC to clarify things.
April reviewed the ownership of various properties as the group looked at the map online. TACA would like to have a center for small business development for the rest of the avenue at some place on the street.
Feico noted Millenium's expansion will be extensive, and April noted that it could be a big anchor for getting more market value residence downtown. But it was also noted that it may be so gated that it might not attract people, similar to the insulated effect of the casinos. But it was said there may be multiple draws and we needn't be myopic in scope. April talked about the goal of gaining 6 to 7 thousand people living downtown in the western area. It's several agencies and organizations coming together to make it happen.
Loren said he would tell Pam Atchison that we'll wait until Stephanie Pedro gets back into town to decide on a partnership because we're hearing different things about how the planners will be involved. A planning audit of what's being done is not the same as having urban planners conduct the work. Further, Gregory Free, who would otherwise do the planning, is not an urban planner; having a degree in Historical Preservation Planning and Architecture is not the same as having a degree in Urban Planning.
The next meeting on the following Monday will feature information, suggestions, and brainstorming on what Jennette Ginsberg's summer project of capacity building for ABS might entail, as well as updates and schedules to make for Coates Bluff and Shreveport Common meetings.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Coates Bluff Trail: Magnet geography students' final trail notes and a small cello concert
Magnet geography students under teacher Robert Trudeau recently took final notes at the northern head of Coates Bluff Nature Trail.
Undergrowth was shooting up; poison ivy was abundant.
We look forward to returning in the fall.
On-air chat with the producers of the Highland Experience and the Maker's Fair on Mon at 5 pm, KSCL fm 91.3
Theresa Edgerton & Tina Kendricks from Highland Experience and April Dahm from Maker's Fair will offer a review and down-the-road view of their events.
Hosts, from A Better Shreveport, are Robert Trudeau, Carolyn Manning & Loren Demerath.
Questions, comments: 869-5297 (broadcast booth).
Also, join us in the weekly open-to-all meeting Mon evening at 6 pm, CoHabitat, 610 Commerce St, downtown.